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MRI Safety for Non-Professionals "What to Expect During Your MRI Exam and "Quench your Thirst for MR Safety DVD and VHS now available.
Whether you are a technologist, doctor, or an individual who needs to share this information with technologists, patients or non-professional staff, these instructional tools will help guide and instruct you regarding the precautions you need to take when becoming involved with magnetic resonance imaging.
The program "MRI Safety for Non-Professionals" features Dr. Frank Shellock, who is the founder of the Institute for Magnetic Resonance Safety, Education and Research and President of MR Safety Testing Services. This program is intended to educate individuals who may need to enter the MRI environment on a periodic or limited basis, or in a response to an emergency. These individuals may include office workers, custodial staff, transportation personnel, nurses, anesthesiologists, security officers, firefighters, site maintenance workers, patient relatives, visitors and others.
The program "What to Expect During Your MRI Exam" walks you through a typical MRI exam and what you, as the patient, can expect during this procedure.
The program "MR: Quench Your Thirst for MR Safety" features Dr. Frank Shellock, and Dr. Daniel J. Schaefer. It is intended for technologists and medical personnel working in the MRI environment. In this program, we review the present safety guidelines and recommendations, the latest information for implants and devices used in MRI, and the safety considerations for clinical use of 3.0 Tesla (T) systems and higher. An actual quench is also demonstrated.